MovaviVideoConverter是一款集多種功能於一身的轉換應用程式,可以將媒體檔案轉換成超過180種格式,還能進一步剪裁、壓縮跟編輯。想當然爾,將HEIC轉 ...,TochangeHEICtoJPG,selectyourimagefromyourdeviceordraganddropitontotheconverter.Onceyou'reintheeditor,yourHEICimageshouldbeuploaded ...,WithScanWritryoucaneditHEICimageonline.Fillitinusingtext,pen,markerandsigntools,andthensaveittoPDF.,Photokitprovidesy...

14 款免費好用的HEIC 轉JPG 工具【HEIC 轉檔方法推薦】

Movavi Video Converter 是一款集多種功能於一身的轉換應用程式,可以將媒體檔案轉換成超過180 種格式,還能進一步剪裁、壓縮跟編輯。想當然爾,將HEIC 轉 ...

Convert HEIC to JPG online for free

To change HEIC to JPG, select your image from your device or drag and drop it onto the converter. Once you're in the editor, your HEIC image should be uploaded ...

Edit HEIC Online Quick and Easy With ...

With ScanWritr you can edit HEIC image online. Fill it in using text, pen, marker and sign tools, and then save it to PDF.


Photokit provides you useful information on HEIC files and free online utilities for HEIC files. Including tools for online viewing, editing, ...

HEIC files

HEIC files are the space-saving standard image format used by Apple across their devices. Learn how to open, edit and convert your HEIC images with Adobe.


Convert HEIC to JPG with a free online converter. Simply drag'n'drop your iPhone photos and get JPG or PNG files in seconds! Save your .heic (.heif) files ...

iPhotos - HEIC Image Viewer and Editor

HEIC Editor is a fast and efficient picture viewer that comes equipped with a clean and concise user interface that can be conveniently ...

Modern Photo Format HEIC

Opening and Editing HEIC on Mac. HEIC files are easily opened in macOS and iOS because they are files by default. Just click on the file to view photos and ...

